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Get instant back pain relief
BetterBack allows you to effortlessly sit in perfect posture, easing back pain—and helping prevent it. Lightweight and portable, it makes every chair ergonomic. Wearing it for just 15 minutes a day can retrain your body’s default posture, so when you stand or sit without BetterBack, your posture is greatly improved.
Throw BetterBack on in 5 seconds flat for 10/10 sitting comfort
It’s as easy as 1. Unwrap 2. Pack 3. Stack
Get Next Gen Back Support
The keystone to good posture is the pelvis. Traditional back supports only focus on your lumbar spine. BetterBack stabilizes your pelvis, restoring your spine's natural curvature, and provides lumbar support. There's nothing to charge or sync, just something that works.
83% of reviews give BetterBack 5 stars.
Start Your 30 day home trial